Star of Bethlehem SMB
Bethlehem Mission Society
Oct 06
L'amour divin et humain: une vocation sacrée et inébranlable

Divine and Human Love: A Sacred and Unshakeable Vocation

The love between man and woman, celebrated in today’s Mass readings, is present throughout the Bible.

From the creation stories, through the words of the Song of Songs, to the psalm that sings the happiness of a united family, the Word of God celebrates human love.

However, from the very beginning, in the Garden of Eden, lies and conflicts appear. Throughout its pages, the Bible reflects our passions, infidelities, and selfishness.

God’s Plan for Humanity: Faithful and Equal Love

To understand Jesus’ teaching on marriage, it’s essential to place this text within the context of the Old Testament.

The first reading, taken from the creation story, reveals that God desires human happiness. Humanity is created for communion, and yet none of the creatures can fully satisfy human solitude.

So, God creates a partner for man, giving both man and woman the great joy of companionship and intimacy. He places in their hands a love that is meant to grow and flourish.

The Decline of Love Through the Ages

Over the centuries, this divine dream has often been reduced to selfish interests, power struggles, and social structures.

By the time Jesus appeared in the history of Israel, man and woman were no longer equal partners. The woman was viewed as her husband’s property, one possession among many.

Jesus revolutionizes these customs by proclaiming equality between man and woman before God.

Love as God’s Gift: A Sacred Covenant

For Jesus, marriage is far more than a mere human contract.

The marriage is a divine work, a sacred covenant that involves God Himself.

In Jesus, humanity is redeemed, liberated from sin, and able to fully reflect the image of God. Marriage, too, is transformed by this radical renewal. Those who believe in Jesus are new creations, capable of a renewed love—a love that is total and faithful, rooted in God’s own love for us and made visible in our world.

The Challenges of Love: Sin and Forgiveness

Although this call to faithful, mutual love is the grand design of the Creator, human reality is still marked by sin, lies, and weakness. No relationship follows a straight path to perfection, not even love.

A happy family is not immune to the struggles of life, selfishness, or sin. It is a school of forgiveness, constantly renewed through the infinite mercy of God.

The Church, following in the footsteps of Jesus, continues to affirm God’s plan for marriage, inviting couples to love with the same fidelity as God.

However, the Church also expresses divine compassion for those who suffer from failed relationships. It is not a matter of condemning, but of supporting, praying for those who face difficulties, and helping them with mercy.

The Family: A Place of Divine Love

Even the Son of God needed a family to be born and grow. In the home of Mary and Joseph, the love of God took human form in Jesus. Through the family, God reveals to the world that He is love, forgiveness, light, strength, and tenderness.

Families in pain or doubt, you are precious to the heart of God! Amen.


Gn 2:18-24 / Heb 2:9-11 / Mk 10:2-16