Star of Bethlehem SMB
Bethlehem Mission Society
May 29
Visite de Mgr Marie-Fabien Raharilamboniaina de Madagascar

Visit of Bishop Marie-Fabien Raharilamboniaina from Madagascar

On May 25, 2024, Marie-Fabien Raharilamboniaina, the bishop of the Diocese of Morondava and president of the Episcopal Conference of Madagascar, visited our motherhouse in Immensee.

The Diocese of Morondava is located in the southwest of Madagascar, opposite Mozambique. It covers an area of 43,000 square kilometers and is home to approximately 800,000 inhabitants, of whom 85,000 are Catholic.

The Missionaries of Bethlehem have a fruitful collaboration with the Catholic Church of Madagascar by hosting Malagasy priests at the SMB house in Torry, who come to Switzerland to study at the University of Fribourg. Currently, two students from the University of Fribourg, Abbé Narindra and Abbé Coëvence, reside at the house in Torry.

Father Ludovic Nobel, superior general of the SMB, and Bishop Raharilamboniaina had the opportunity to discuss future collaboration prospects.