Star of Bethlehem SMB
Bethlehem Mission Society
Jul 04
La Société Missionnaire de Bethléem solidaire avec les enfants de Bethléem

The SMB in Solidarity with the Children of Bethlehem

Kinderhilfe Bethlehem is an international Christian aid organization, founded in 1963 through a German and Swiss initiative. The association manages the Caritas Baby Hospital in Bethlehem, with its main headquarters in Lucerne.

The Superior General of the SMB, Father Ludovic Nobel, was an active member of this organization for many years, whose activities perfectly align with the spirituality of the Missionaries of Bethlehem.

It is therefore not surprising that the SMB is now on the list of benefactors of Kinderhilfe Bethlehem. Last June, the name of the Bethlehem Missionary Society was added to the “Wall of Donors” at the Caritas Baby Hospital in Bethlehem.

The name of the SMB on the “Wall of Donors” at the Caritas Baby Hospital

Fellows of Étoile de Bethléem, we are happy to share with you the latest news about the projects of Kinderhilfe Bethlehem. Stay connected to learn more about our initiatives and our commitment to the children of Bethlehem.

Caritas Baby Hospital in Bethlehem