Jean de Dieu Twagirimana, originally from Rwanda, has begun his introduction year with the Missionaries of Bethlehem (SMB) in Torry. After discerning his missionary vocation in his diocese, he joined the SMB in Fribourg to fully live out his mission.
A New Start for a Rwandan Brother
On October 4, 2024, the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, a significant event took place within the SMB community in Torry. Jean de Dieu Twagirimana, an SMB candidate, began his novitiate year, an essential step for anyone aspiring to join the Society of the Missionaries of Bethlehem.
This date holds special significance: it marks the second consecutive year the SMB has welcomed a new novice on this feast day. In 2023, it was Fr. Joël Mambe who entered his novitiate, and in September 2024, he made his temporary promises, becoming the first non-Swiss SMB member and the first new member in 18 years.
Rwanda: A Growing Connection with the SMB
Rwanda, often referred to as the “Switzerland of Africa,” is becoming increasingly important in its collaboration with the SMB. In July 2023, Fr. Ludovic Nobel, the Superior General of the SMB, made his first official visit to Rwanda. This trip strengthened the ties between Rwandan dioceses and the SMB. Since then, several Rwandan bishops have visited Immensee and Torry, demonstrating the growing cooperation with the regions.
It’s no surprise, then, that young missionary vocations are emerging from this country.
The Inspiring Journey of Jean de Dieu
Born into a modest family, Jean de Dieu felt called to the priesthood from an early age. He entered the Minor Seminary of Nyundo Diocese and then continued his studies at the Major Seminary of Kabgayi. He shares:
“I was quickly drawn to missionary life as soon as I heard about it. In Africa, we often see missionaries, but those from Bethlehem were less common. I was fortunate to meet them, and after many discussions, I realized their community is very appealing, not only for the priesthood but also for missionary work.”
Jean de Dieu later enrolled at the University of Fribourg to pursue a master’s degree while residing with the SMB in Torry. He describes this time as a wonderful opportunity to discover the community.
Having embraced the SMB spirit, Jean de Dieu is convinced that “young people must take the initiative to evangelize, whether in countries that have not yet received the Gospel or those that need a spiritual awakening. No matter where you come from, what matters is your willingness to work in the Lord’s vineyard.”
Watch a full interview with Jean de Dieu Twagirimana on our YouTube channel.
The Introduction Year: A Time for Discernment
According to the SMB’s constitution, the introduction year lasts at least one year.
During this period, novices are invited to deepen their understanding of the history and spirituality of the Society of the Missionaries of Bethlehem. They are also trained in missionary theology and become familiar with the foundational texts of the SMB.
This year is also a privileged time to deepen their personal relationship with Christ and reflect on their call to serve in the Church’s mission.
As was the case with Fr. Joël Mambe, Fr. Joseph Meili, former Superior General of the SMB, will accompany Jean de Dieu in this journey.
May Almighty God bless Jean de Dieu Twagirimana as he embarks on this path of discernment within the SMB. May his efforts bear fruit for the mission of the Church.
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