Star of Bethlehem SMB
Bethlehem Mission Society


Étoile de Bethléem SMB, Missionnaires suisses

Become Part of Our Mission

We are looking for men who feel called to dedicate their lives to the missionary service of the church. People whose hearts burn for the love of God, their fellow human beings and the mission.

As a member of our community, you can take part in and help shape the future of our mission. You can discover life on another continent, get to know its cultures and people and spread the word of God. You have the opportunity to become active for the mission worldwide – in keeping with the pioneering spirit of many members of the Bethlehem Mission Society before you.


Get in touch with us.

You can talk to a member of the Mission Society at any time and exchange ideas with him. You are also welcome to spend a few days in our community.

Contact us
